Wanna Be My Pilates Workout Buddy?


Hey friends. Whether you’re voluntarily or involuntarily social distancing right now, we can’t compromise our health and wellbeing. We still need exercise!

For 6 years now, I’ve loved doing Pilates at home with The Balanced Life Sisterhood. This past week, I went through a series of “Strength and Stress Relief” workouts that were amazing and only about 17 minutes long. Robin Long, who created The Balanced Life and leads all the workouts, is like a best friend in your living room. I love how she fosters healthy and strong body image over being a certain size or appearance.

If this is something you’re looking for, join me in The Sisterhood. It’s currently open to new members!

What's The Balanced Life Sisterhood?⁠

It's a community of women who are looking for something that's flexible and realistic in the midst of their busy schedules. ⁠ Something that helps you build strength + reduce stress on a daily basis, from wherever you are and whenever you need it.⁠

The membership includes a really fun-and-easy-to-use app (and website) with a library of 100+ Pilates workouts, tons of nourishing anti-inflammatory recipes, a wellness mission each month, private Facebook group, online community, and lots of encouragement and support. So, you can take advantage of all of that, OR you can just have your daily workout (and a library of workouts to pick from) anytime you want to do pilates from home.

Yup, I’ve done Pilates in my pajamas, squeezed in 30 minutes while dinner is cooking, or even done workouts on my bathroom floor. Wherever and whenever, it still works wonderfully.

The other day, I did my pilates on the front porch in the very rare sunshine we’ve been seeing these days, and it was literally life-giving. One of the things I love about pilates is that I feel like I’ve gotten a full body massage and a workout at the same time. Every muscle feels like it’s been stretched, I feel more connected to my body and more peaceful. After having two babies (and the last one being a homebirth VBAC), pilates has helped strengthen my core in so many ways.

The workouts are anywhere from 10-30 minutes long, and you can choose which one to do each day, or follow the pre-scheduled calendar.

If you’d like to join, you can use my affiliate link below! Let’s stay healthy and grounded, together.


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