Dandelions Forever (And Recipes To Make With Them!)

Back when I started my first website, Dream More, in 2004, my first hand-drawn and watercolored logo was a puffy dandelion with seeds blowing into the air.

Dandelions have always been my spirit flower. Or is it sunflowers? Or zinnias? Or….?

I just can’t decide. 😏

I do know this - dandelions are not weeds - they’re valuable flowers with many healing benefits, and they’re delicious too. As I dive deeper into my job as a sustainable farmer, I’m just now learning ALL the health benefits of this magical little plant. ✨

Dandelions are high in vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc. They’re also anti-inflammatory and cleansing for the liver. *

If you don’t have chemicals around the dandelions in your yard, you can harvest the yellow flowers and make dandelion-infused honey, make tea with the fresh or dried flowers, and even batter and fry them!

I washed some fresh flowers and brewed them in hot water to make tea today - delicious! I drank it totally plain, and it felt very cleansing. Next time, I’ll add some honey and try it iced. I have a feeling that’s going to be a staple, refreshing summer drink.

I’m also currently drying some flowers to make dandelion infused olive oil for hand salves. 🌼🌼🌼

Here are a few dandelion “recipes” to try:

🌼Fresh Dandelion Tea
🌼Dandelion-Infused Honey
🌼Dandelion Salve
🌼Dandelion Tea
🌼Fried Dandelion Blossoms
🌼Fried Dandelion Flowers made with almond flour!

* Medical disclaimer: Obviously I’m not a doctor, so please consult your doctor if you have any concerns about consuming dandelions! The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

Have you ever made anything with dandelion flowers? If not, do you think you’ll give it a try?


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