Free Basil-Growing Guide 🌱

I asked this question on Instagram recently: “What’s something you wish you were growing but need help with?”

Almost everyone said “herbs.” Fresh herbs are a staple and something you can absolutely grow in your own space, wherever you live, as long as you have access to a pot, water, and sun. 🌞

I wrote this FREE GUIDE to help you. 💚 Let’s start small and focus on successfully growing ONE herb - perhaps this Italian girl's favorite herb - basil.

I believe that the innate need to sink our own two hands in the dirt, to experience the primal satisfaction of growing something - anything - is woven into our very being. And once you feel victorious with growing something simple, you’ll have the courage to keep going!

Guide includes:

🌱 How to plant basil for different skill levels

🌱 How to prune and harvest basil

🌱 Ideas for what to cook with the gorgeous basil YOU grew!


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