Things I've Learned Since Releasing My First Book

The truth is, writing and launching a book is so exciting, and it’s also a vulnerable process like none other. I’ve imagined this book in my mind for years and lived its stories for over 20 years. Since 2019, I’ve been writing and preparing this book and imagining all of YOU who would read it, right in the middle of your messy, beautiful lives. I’ve hoped and prayed you would not just see it as a book about a girl on a farm, but that you would see your own lives in it. And that is what’s happening.

I cannot even express the beautiful messages I’ve gotten the last few weeks - from people in big cities, in suburbia, and in rural areas - as your books have arrived and you’ve been spending time with the stories, prompts, and recipes. And it makes the years of work worth it to know that this book is moving you, encouraging and inspiring you to walk forward in the unique gifts you have to offer the world. One person said, “I get a feeling of ‘all is well and all shall be well’ when flipping/reading though it.” I hope it infuses your life with hope in so many ways.

Things I’ve learned since my book released on May 17th:

🌸 You’ve got dreams. I’ve heard from small children all the way up to 70-year-olds about the dreams hidden in your heart. And I hope it’s time for some of those to emerge. The word needs what YOU have to offer no matter what age you are. It’s not too late!

🌸 Something I didn’t expect: the multiple messages from people who read the book in 1 day (😳) because they said they couldn’t put it down.

🌸 Something else I didn’t expect: how many kids would want to read it or ask their parents to read parts of it to them. 📖 I’ve met several little budding authors and farmers, and it’s been so sweet! (I do recommend that parents read it first to make that decision.)

🌸 Your books are getting used and taken with you where you go - into the yard or kitchen or on vacation. You’ve gotten dirt and beach sand and cooking stains on the pages. A friend of mine got bacon grease on the cover while reading it and cooking dinner. I could ask for nothing more.

The biggest realization? The absolute biggest hurdle in front me in this entire book process has been…me.

We tend to get in our own way, disqualifying ourselves, rather than opening ourselves up to the stories God is writing through us. Fully embracing that brings so much JOY.

What do any of us really want from artists and authors and creators? Not a certain age or appearance or personality - just REAL. And I can give you that. I can give you the lessons I’ve learned that have come with time and experience, and I can show up with my awesome wrinkles and grey hair and scars that tell stories.

I can give you kindred. And I will continue to walk beside you and YOUR Kindred Life through the pages of this book.

Grateful that The Kindred Life is now yours, and this is only the beginning. ❤️🧡💛

If you loved the book, will you please write a review? It helps new authors like me so much! Thank you!


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