First Solo Trip

Well, this was a first…

After all the years of growing up only 30 miles away from New York City and visiting many, many times since then, this was the first time I’ve been to New York City by myself.

I boarded a plane in Nashville at 5am / 19 degrees and re-entered the world in New York on a chilly but bright sunny day. LaGuardia Airport in Queens has quickly become one of my favorites ~ it’s really beautiful inside and captures the spirit of NYC so well. We had the clearest morning for landing where I could see all of Manhattan from the plane.

I Uber’d from LaGuardia to Manhattan, and it felt so strange but also liberating to walk the streets of midtown Manhattan knowing exactly what I was doing on my own.

So I took myself out for a quick brunch at Bluestone Lane and ordered the Big Brekkie, and it hit the spot after a super early travel morning. In the city, it’s completely quotidien to see people dining on their own, and that was super freeing. I read a few pages in my book club book, The Kitchen Front, while I drank matcha. 🍵 I people-watched and reveled in the multiple languages being spoke which, for all its charms, isn’t very common here in the Tennessee countryside. I’ve missed that.

Then I caught the train from Penn Station to Jersey to visit my precious parents for the week in the town where I grew up, Madison, New Jersey. Being on that train flooded me with memories of all the times I’ve ridden it with friends I was bringing home, with Steven after our engagement in Central Park, or with a baby in a backpack.

Highly recommend going on a solo trip sometime so you can see how capable you really are.✌🏽


The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 19: Let Your Heart Break


Loving My 'Tween