The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 16: Audacious Growth

Need some encouragement to make it through the final days of winter and some vision for spring? I’ve got you.

Audacity = "a willingness to take bold risks." Without some audacity, we won’t ever take the steps that are needed to bring our visions and gifts to the world. We must have faith and belief that there is room in the world for what we’ve each been given to grow and create…even through the struggle, uncertainty, and scars we’ll experience along the way.

In this episode, I share a quote from a memoir that inspired me, my own  “Ode to the Growing Season,” and some prompts to help you build a nourishing vision in your own life this spring. Listen in!

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Here are some photos & links of things I mention in Episode 16. Listen to the episode so you know what this is about!

Pruning the fruit trees…

Here I am in the mini seed-starting greenhouse and the mini violet bouquet my daughter made me…

Other links:

Links to Amazon Smile are affiliate links that benefit Peace Gospel International.


The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 17: From the Outside - The Mini Greenhouse


The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 15: Purposeful Hands